My first journey into being a published author came out of my four year battle with secondary infertility.  At the age of 22, I naively assumed that pregnancy would be an easy, 1-2-3 process.  Given the fact that I'd gotten pregnant at 18 and had my first child at 19, it seemed natural that following graduation, the purchase of a home, a mini-van and the decorating of a nursery (I even redid the hardwood floors), a baby would be sure to follow. 

A baby did come... four years and 30+ pregnancy tests later and, out of that journey, came my first book, CONCEIVING BY FAITH.

By the time I was 28, I was a mom to three children, getting divorced and living out of a suitcase in Hell's Kitchen in NYC.  I woke up one night, on the coach, and had an epiphany: "If I'm not choosing me, who is?"  That birthed my second book CHOOSE YOU!

Post-divorce and as the rollercoaster ride of the first thirty years of my life finally started settling down, I began my third book, NOT BUILT TO BE BROKEN.  When you've been to hell and back, you learn a few things and, in my latest book, I talk about why I feel no person was built to be broken.  It's an inspirational, motivational kick-in-the-pants that helps people create lives they love to look at.