It never fails to amaze me that racist, sexist people still exist... Really though? Seriously? We're about to be in 2010. The man as the breadwinner, the woman as the secretary, black people living in ghettos, and immigrants not speaking English IS A MYTH.
Frustrated today? Oh yeah! Disheartened by the ignorance and stupidity of people? Yes!
But, there's one beautiful gift that comes with age: the ability to step back and know that "he can have patience can have what he will" (Benjamin Franklin).
Needless to say, I've pulled out my copy of "The Four Agreements" and I've recited "Don't take it personal." We don't learn from people who judge us and my judgment of their ignorance is equal to their judgment of people unlike themselves.
The answer to all this separation talk? Love.
God, let me love them with an open heart and see their banter with a compassionate spirit... I am willing to see things differently...